Linear Algebra with Applications-02 (FA24)

Course Info:

  • Lectures: MWF block 2 (2:10 - 3:15 pm)
  • x-hour: Th block 2X (1:20 - 2:10 pm)
  • Dates: 16 September 2024 - 19 November 2024
  • Lecture Room: Kemeny 108
  • Instructor: Lily McBeath
  • E-mail:
  • Office Hours: x-hour & MW 10:00 - 11:00 am in Kemeny 214
  • Drop-In Tutorials: TuThSu (7:00 - 9:00 pm) in Kemeny 105
  • Required Text: Lay, D. C., Lay, S. R., & McDonald, J. (2016). Linear algebra and its applications (Fifth edition). (ISBN: 978-0321982384)

Course Description:

Linear algebra is the study of vector spaces and the linear transformations between them. Examples of vector spaces that you may have seen before include the vector spaces of continuous functions, differential functions, and integrable functions, and the familiar operations of differentiation and integration from calculus can be thought of as linear transformations between such vector spaces. In this class, we will work mostly with the vector space LaTeX: \mathbb{R}^n consisting of length-n vectors of real numbers. We will learn how to represent linear transformations with matrices and study different types of linear transformations. During the last weeks of classes we will concentrate on applications of linear algebra to problems in mathematics and other fields. For a more detailed description on the topics we will learn in this class, see the Course Summary below.

Linear algebra is very important for both pure and applied mathematics. This is one of the reasons that it is a prerequisite for almost all of your math major courses and other STEM subjects. The techniques of linear algebra are used in engineering, physics, natural sciences, computer science and economics. Since linear algebra is an important foundational course, we will focus not only on developing computational proficiency, but also on understanding definitions and theorems, and writing clear and organized mathematical arguments.

See the description in the ORC here.

Course Goals:

  • Students will learn the main concepts and techniques in linear algebra.
  • Students will learn some applications of linear algebra.
  • Students will be prepared for more advanced courses in mathematics, computer science, physics and any other subjects that require linear algebra.    

Additional Course Info & Resources:

  1. Grades, Assignments & Exams
  2. Tutorials & Additional Support for your Learning
  3. Academic Honor Principle
  4. Student Accessibility Needs
  5. Mental Health
  6. Religious Observances
  7. Title IX

The course cover image was created at with the prompt "linear algebra."

Course Summary:

Date Details Due