Real Analysis (WI24)
Course Info:
- Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, block 10 (10:10 am - 11:15 am ET)
- x-period: Thursday, block 10X (12:15 - 1:05 pm ET); generally won't be used unless announced
- Room: Kemeny 242
- Instructor: Alena Erchenko
- Instructor office: Kemeny 331
- E-mail:
- Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 9-10am ET, Friday 11:30am-12:30pm, or by appt in my office Kemeny 331
- Prerequisites: MATH 22 or 24, or MATH 13 and permission of the instructor
- Recommended Texts:
- Maxwell Rosenlicht, Introduction to Analysis (R)
- Jiří Lebl, Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis (L)
- Grading: Grades will be based on weekly homework (30%), weekly quizzes (35%), and final (35%). Your lowest homework and quiz scores will be dropped.
Homework is due on Gradescope on the day indicated below before 11:59 pm ET. Please upload your solutions by following the instructions in this video. Feel free to submit handwritten or work typeset in LaTeX (Overleaf is a great resource and tool for the latter). If you are skipping a problem, it is easier for the grader if you write "Skip" and upload that as your solution to the problem. You are more than welcome to work with others on the homework problems. However, the solutions should be written up on your own and reflect your understanding.
Due Date | Homework | Solutions |
01/05 | Homework 0 | N/A |
01/10 | Homework 1 | Solutions |
01/17 | Homework 2 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
01/24 | Homework 3 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
01/31 | Homework 4 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/07 | Homework 5 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/14 | Homework 6 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/21 | Homework 7 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/28 | Homework 8 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
There will be weekly in-class quizzes on Fridays for 15-20 mins at the end of the class. The quizzes will be covering the material of the week before.
Date | Quiz | Solutions |
01/12 | Quiz 1 | Solutions |
01/19 | Quiz 2 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
01/26 | Quiz 3 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/02 | Quiz 4 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/09 | Quiz 5 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/16 | Quiz 6 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
02/23 | Quiz 7 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
03/01 | Quiz 8 | Solutions (pdf) / Solutions (TeX) |
The specific topics covered in each class are tentative and will be updated as the semester progresses. Moreover, the notes posted for each lecture may contain slightly more content than the lecture and may bleed a bit into the next lecture. Let me know if you find any errors.
Date | Topic | References |
01/03 | Introduction. Basic Set Theory. |
(R) Chapter I |
01/05 | Bijections, invertible maps. Cardinality. Cantor's theorem. |
(L) Introduction, Section 0.3 |
01/08 | Ordered fields |
(R) Chapter II, Section 1-2 |
01/10 | Least upper bound. Existence of square roots |
(R) Chapter II, Section 3-4 |
01/11 (block 10X, 12:15pm - 1:05 pm ET) |
Metric spaces |
(R) Chapter III, Sections 1-2 |
01/12 | Ball neighborhoods. Open sets |
(R) Chapter III, Section 2 (L) Section 7.2 |
01/15 | No class -> Moved to X-hour on 01/11 | |
01/17 | Open and closed sets. |
(R) Chapter III, Sections 2 (L) Section 7.2 |
01/19 | Convergence. |
(R) Chapter III, Section 3 (L) Section 7.3 |
01/22 | Complete spaces. |
(R) Chapter III, Section 4 (L) Section 7.4 |
01/24 | Compact sets |
(R) Chapter III, Section 5 (L) Section 7.4.2 |
01/26 | Equivalent definitions of compactness. |
(R) Chapter III, Section 5 (L) Section 7.4.2 |
01/29 | Heine-Borel. Connected sets |
(R) Chapter III, Section 6 |
01/31 | Continuous function. Functions on connected spaces. |
(R) Chapter IV, Sections 1, 5 |
02/02 | Intermediate Value Theorem. Limits |
(R) Chapter IV, Section 2, 5 |
02/05 | Rational functions |
(R) Chapter IV, Section 3 |
02/07 | Functions on a compact. Sequences of functions. |
(R) Chapter IV, Section 4 (L) Sections 7.5.2 |
02/09 | Sequences of functions |
(R) Chapter IV, Section 6 |
02/12 | Derivatives |
(R) Chapter V, Section 1-2 (L) Section 4.1 |
02/14 | Derivatives (continue). Mean Value Theorem |
(R) Chapter V, Section 3 (L) Sections 4.1 and 4.2 |
02/15 (block 10X, 12:15pm - 1:05 pm ET) |
Taylor's Theorem | Lecture 20 (R) Chapter V, Section 4 (L) Section 4.3 |
02/16 | Riemann Integral |
(R) Chapter VI, Section 1 |
02/19 | Properties of integral |
(R) Chapter VI, Sections 2-3 (L) Section 5.2 |
02/21 | Integrable functions | Lecture 23 |
02/23 | Fundamental Theorem. Interchange of limit operations. |
(R) Chapter VI, Sections 4-5. Chapter VII, Section 1 |
02/26 | Contractions. The fixed point theorem. | Lecture 25 |
02/28 | Application in dynamics | Lecture 26 |
03/01 | Application in dynamics | Lecture 27 |
03/04 | Review | Lecture 28 |
03/08 (11:30am-2:30pm ET) |
Final exam |
Course Catalogue Description:
This course introduces the basic concepts of real-variable theory. Topics include real numbers and cardinality of sets, sequences and series of real numbers, metric spaces, continuous functions, integration theory, sequences and series of functions, and polynomial approximation. Students may not take both Mathematics 35 and 63 for credit.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand the real number system, metric spaces, continuity, differentiability, and Riemann integration;
- Solve mathematical problems: utilize abstraction and think creatively;
- Write clear mathematical proofs: recognize and construct mathematically rigorous arguments.
Additional Pages:
- Academic Honor Principle
- Expectations
- Student Accessibility Needs
- Mental Health
- Title IX
- Religious Observances
- Additional Support for your Learning
Additional Resources:
It is highly recommended to solve as many exercises from the textbook or other resources as you have time for. This will be more useful than rereading your class notes or textbook as it will often force you to go back to look at the material anyway. The only way to truly learn mathematics is through practice. Feel free to ask about your solutions.
There are many other textbooks and online materials that you can consult. If you have questions on whether a particular one might be useful, do not hesitate to reach out.