Course Syllabus

This course will feature remote synchronous lectures and remote synchronous office hours. In-person and/or remote office hours may be arranged by appointment.

Instructor :

Instructor C.-M. Michael Wong
Lectures (D) MWF 11:45–12:50
Zoom link
Office Hours F 2–3, or by appointment
Zoom link (same as above)
Recorded Lectures Panopto folder


Topology (2nd ed.) by James R. Munkres

Additional Pages:

  1. Daily Schedule
  2. Homework
  3. Exams
  4. Grading
  5. Academic Honor Principle
  6. Student Accessibility Needs
  7. Mental Health
  8. Religious Observances
  9. Consent Regarding Recordings

Consent Regarding Recordings:

Please review this page regarding recording of course materials, including Zoom meetings.