Reading Course (WI20)

Course Staff

Instructors: Lorie Loeb and Kate Salesin
TA: Jiayin Hu

Course Meetings

Discussion: MW 2:10pm – 3:15pm, Sudikoff 214
Office Hours: F 2:10pm – 3:15pm, Sudikoff 214


In this reading course, students will explore the many-faceted realm of digital arts through reading and discussion of technical papers. We will also listen to presentations from Dartmouth faculty on cutting-edge research in their field that relates to digital arts.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, students will:

  • Learn how to read and analyze technical papers
  • Engage with peers on technical topics through questions and discussion
  • Learn how to conduct background research on a technical topic
  • Engage with Dartmouth faculty in order to learn about ongoing research and explore potential thesis topics

Expectations & Norms

Since this is a very small class where global participation is necessary for success, I expect students to be at every class meeting.

Since we will be attentively listening to presenters and actively participating in discussions and activities, electronics will not be allowed during class except for use when you are giving a presentation.

We will be using Slack (msda-reading-course channel in the cs-dartmouth workspace) for casual communication and updates.


Yes, participation makes up a substantial proportion of the grade – I will go over the particulars of how participation will be graded at the first class meeting. The lowest participation score for a single day will be dropped at the end of the quarter (this is one "freebie" absence, intended for illness/emergency/mental health day). See individual assignment rubrics for more details.

  • Audience participation (40%): participates in activities, shows proof of reading papers, asks questions
  • Leads technical paper discussion (30%): leads discussion on a digital arts technical paper
  • STAR presentation (30%): presents the research evolution of a digital arts topic

Texts & Materials

The texts (aka papers) for this class will be chosen by the students and faculty members each week. All will be available for free online (potentially through Dartmouth Library subscriptions). No other materials necessary!

Dartmouth Policies

Student Accessibility and Accommodations

Students with disabilities who may need disability-related academic adjustments and services for this course are encouraged to see me privately as early in the term as possible. Students requiring disability-related academic adjustments and services must consult the Student Accessibility Services office in Carson Hall 125 or by phone: 646-9900 or email:

Religious Observances

Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with me before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.


We recognize that the academic environment at Dartmouth is challenging, that our terms are intensive, and that classes are not the only demanding part of your life. There are a number of resources available to you on campus to support your wellness, including: your undergraduate dean, Counseling and Human Development, and the Student Wellness Center. I encourage you to use these resources and come speak with me to take care of yourself throughout the term.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due