Homework overview
There are two types of homework assignments: WeBWork problems, which are assigned daily; and written assignments, which are assigned weekly.
In addition, you are expected to read the assigned sections of the textbook before each class, and come to class ready to share what you have learned and what remains confusing. Mathematics requires active participation!
See also the Academic Honor Principle section for guidelines on working together.
- The daily web-based problems can be accessed via the WeBWorK Login. See also the WeBWorK homepage containing a FAQ and quick start guide.
- WeBWorK problems will be assigned daily. They should be completed by the start of the next class, although they are not officially collected until 9am the class meeting after that.
For example, the day01 homework is assigned on Monday, September 16, and it should be completed before class on Wednesday, September 18. On WeBWorK itself, you will see the due date listed as September 20. This is because, even though you are expected to turn in the homework before the next class, it is not collected until 9am on the following class day. This way you can still get full credit if something unexpected happens and you need to turn in the homework late. We emphasize the importance of completing the homework before the next class, so that you are prepared to learn new material that builds on it--but you have the authority to grant yourself a short extension if necessary, at no penalty. - You have unlimited attempts for each WeBWorK problem, and you will not be penalized for using extra attempts.
- It is recommended that you keep a notebook in which you write up your WeBWorK homework (including your work as well as the answers). Then when you are studying for exams, you will have a record of your work to which to refer.
- Some WeBWorK assignments will include review problems; you may want to go back to your old calculus textbook and probably also to do some thinking! Remember that your TAs are there to help you during tutorial.
Written homework assignments
- The weekly written homework assignments are posted in the assignments section.
- Written assignments will be assigned weekly. They will be due each Wednesday, turned into homework boxes on the 0th floor of Kemeny by 4:00 p.m., and they will typically cover the material up through the previous Friday. For example, the first written assignment covers the first three classes worth of material and is due on Wednesday of week 2. There will also be a WeBWorK assignment due that day; plan ahead.
- In written homework (and on exams), be sure that you show your work, explain all steps, and write neatly. A correct answer with no work shown or that cannot be read will receive minimal credit. This is good practice for what will be expected on exams. Also, please staple your homework!
- Please sign and attach to the first homework the FERPA waiver Download FERPA waiver. If you choose to sign the waiver portion, you will be able to collect your homework from the boxes in the hallway of Kemeny Hall. If you decline to sign the waiver portion, you can collect your homework from your instructor's office by showing your Dartmouth ID.
- If you have a question about how homework was graded, you can ask your instructor.
- Late written homework is not accepted. However, we will drop your lowest homework score.