How the Earth Works - DEMO Course

EARS 1 "How the Earth Works"


Welcome to Earth Sciences!  This course explores what went into making our planet - from the big bang to the subsequent formation and evolution of Earth.  We will investigate how earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and global climate change are byproducts of our planet's ceaseless activity, and see that these natural forces are essential for creating the conditions necessary for life in all its diversity.  We will learn how to decode Earth's dynamic history by reading the record preserved in rocks, oceans and glaciers.  We will also see that life is not only at the mercy of our planet's natural forces, but since its inception has been an agent of change as well, altering the Earth's land, water, and air faster than many geologic processes.

Course Information, Grading and Policies

Lecture Material

Lab Material

Exam Review Material

Instructor and TA Contact Information

Course Summary:

Date Details Due